Gas laws

Gas pressure

Pressure is defined as the force per unit area acting on the surface.

The unit of pressure is Newton per metre squared [N/m2]. (or Pascal[[Pa]: 1Pa=1 N/m2)

The gas molecules are in random and continuous motion. They exert a force on the wall of container when they collide to it. Since the force is exerted over an area, pressure is produced.

The pressure of a gas of constant volume increases when;

- there are more molecules in the gas

- the molecules move faster

- the molecules have a greater mass.

Boyle’s law

Law For a fixed mass of a dry gas at constant temperature, The product of its volume and pressure is constant.

Formula for Boyle’s law

PV = constant

P: Pressure [N/m2]

V: Volume [m3]

If the initial pressure and volume are P1 and V1, and the final ones are P2 and V2,

P1 V2 = P2 V2

Example 1

A gas occupies a volume of 2m3 at 25oC and pressure of 200N/m2. What would be the volume of the gas if the pressure is reduced to 100N/m2 at the same temperature?


P1 V2 = P2 V2

Given that

P1 = 200N/m2

V1 = 2m3

P2 = 100N/m2

V2 = ?

200 × 2 = 100 × V2

400 = 100V2

100V2 100 = 400 100

Answer: V = 4m 3

Kelvin temperature scale

SI unit of temperature is Kelvin [K].

- The size of the degree in Kelvin is the same as in Celsius.

- According to the calculations (Charle’s law), a gas would contract as it cools until at -273 oC. Then, the gas has no volume at -273 oC.

- -273 oC is called absolute zero (0K).

- 273 must be added to convert Celsius into Kelvin.

Formula to find temperature in Kelvin

Tk = Tc + 273

Tk: Temperature in Kelvin scale [K]

Tc: Temperature in Celsius scale [oC]

Example 2

Convert (a) 0 oC and (b)100 oC into K.


(a) TK = 0 oC + 273 = 273K

(b) TK = 100 oC + 273 = 373K

Charles’ law

Law The volume of a fixed mass of a gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature.

Formula for Charles’ law

V T = constant

V: Volume [m3]

T: temperature [K]

If the initial volume and temperature are V1 and T1, and the final ones are V2 and T2,

V1 T1 = V2 T2


The sun heats 15m3 of dry air at 27 oC until its volume increases to 16 m3 under the atmospheric pressure. Calculate the temperature of the air.


V1 T1 = V2 T2

V1 = 15m3

T1 = 27oC = 300k (= 27 + 273)

V2 = 16m3

T2 = ?

15 300 = 16 T2

Cross multiply

15T2 = 16 × 300

15T2 = 4800

15T2 15 = 4800 15

T2 = 320K

Answer: TC = TK – 273 = 320 –273 = 47 oC

Combination of Boyle’s and Charles’ laws

Formula for Boyle’s and Charles’ laws

P1 V1 T1 = P2 V2 T2

This equation is called the general gas equation.


15m3 of gas is at a pressure of 70N/m2 and a temperature of 27 oC. Find its volume when it is at a temperature of 127oC and a pressure of 35N/m2.


P1 V1 T1 = P2 V2 T2

Given that

P1 = 70N/m2

V1 = 15m3

T1 = 27 oC = 300K (= 27 + 273)

P2 = 35N/m2

V2 = ?

T2 =127 oC = 400K (= 127 + 273)

70 (15) 300 = 35(V2) 400

1050 300 = 35V2 400

Cross multiply

1050(400) = (300)35V2

10500V2 = 420000

10500V2 10500 = 420000 10500

V2 = 40m 3